It happens on mornings when we least expect it. We look in the mirror, and there they are:
Invariably, we are convinced they have appeared way before they are supposed to. It is as if our youthful appearances have been yanked before we are ready or deserve.
Don’t worry, the experts at Sculpt Spa Las Vegas both feel your pain and have your solution. You are not stuck with the signs of aging. Among a varied offering, the Sculpt Spa team proudly offers Dysport in Las Vegas.
An injectable neurotoxin, Dysport can quickly and easily smooth away wrinkles.
What is Dysport?
Dysport works like this: It relaxes the muscles under your skin. Its main ingredient is botulinum toxin A which blocks the transfer of messages between nerves and muscles. The toxin is the same as the one that causes food poisoning. However, in this case, it is provided in very small doses, so Dysport’s effects are therapeutic and not toxic.
Once the neurotoxin takes effect, the muscle can no longer receive messages and relaxes in a way that makes wrinkles almost invisible. Dysport helps your face look softer, smoother, and more youthful. It also prevents lines and wrinkles from forming more deeply.
The wrinkles that are most affected by Dysport are ones caused by repetitive motions. These motions include laughing, frowning, smoking, and wrinkling the brow. The key areas your Sculpt Spa expert will target may include the forehead, near your nose, the corners of your mouth, your crow’s feet and any sagging neck skin.
Before You Get Dysport, Check Out These Tips
Ready to book your Dysport treatment? Here are eleven tips to make sure is goes very well:
1. Only go to an experienced provider like Sculpt Spa Las Vegas
How Dysport is administered matters. It is the most important factor in obtaining successful results from Botox or Dysport. There are many establishments who offer Dysport Las Vegas but some lack the appropriate training to provide safe and beautiful results. Your Sculpt Spa experienced injector is skilled and knowledgeable on the latest techniques that can prolong your results. She knows that no two patients are alike. She will take your unique specifications into consideration to create natural-looking results. She will administer the right amount of neuromodulator in an appropriate pattern to relax your dynamic upper-facial muscles without “freezing” them.
2. Schedule a consultation
Our free consultation is easy to book. Call or use our online scheduling system! During your consultation, you can work out our facial rejuvenation plan with your expert, get all your questions answered and set up the perfect treatment schedule.
3. Discuss side effects
It is very rare for a patient to experience any Dysport Las Vegas side effects, but make sure you discuss this topic in your consultation. On a rare occasion a patient may get headaches or some nausea. When these occur, they resolve quickly.
4. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol
These both affect the flow of blood through your face. Alcohol dilates your blood vessels. This may cause increased bleeding or bruising. Nicotine in cigarettes or other products constricts your blood vessels and keeps your tissues from getting nourishment to heal. It is recommended that you avoid cigarettes and alcohol for about three days before getting your Dysport treatment.
5. Discuss your medical conditions as well as medications and supplements
If you have a medical condition that affects your nerves or muscle health, Botox or Dysport may not be right for you. Please disclose bleeding disorders, any infections, or allergies.
6. Avoid blood thinners
Medications like ibuprofen increase your risk of bleeding and bruising. No aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicines, Vitamin E, or fish oil. Stop taking these drugs several days before your appointment.
7. Eat greens before your appointment
Eating green vegetables and salads reduce your chances of swelling and bruising. They increase the Vitamin K levels in your system.
8. Stay away from facial treatments for a few weeks
Do not plan to have any facial massage, laser, or electrical treatment for a few weeks after your Dysport Las Vegas treatment. Following Dysport, your face will be very sensitive. It is crucial to avoid a facial massage and placing your face in a cradle for 24 hours post-treatment. Plus, you should avoid laser and electrical treatments for two weeks after receiving Dysport. You should also have any dental work within two weeks of your Dysport appointment.
9. Use ice packs
If you experience some swelling or discomfort, ice packs can help a lot. If you have them available, 15 minutes of use should do the trick.
10. Sleep with your head elevated
Get extra pillows to prop you up when you sleep or rest. This position will reduce potential swelling or inflammation.
11. Plan your maintenance
Don’t wait until all the wrinkles return before you re-book. Results with Dysport are temporary and typically wear off three to six months after injection. The best way to prolong your rejuvenating results is by scheduling repeat treatments. The frequency of your treatments is up to you. Some Sculpt Spa patients choose to have more Dysport injected as soon as their results begin to fade while others wait until the body has completely metabolized the product. Your Sculpt Spa expert can advise you on a treatment schedule. Also ask her about Botox alternatives, and facial fillers by Restylane.
Sculpt Spa is Your Dysport Destination in Las Vegas for Your Best Face
Sculpt Spa offers the best facial injections in Las Vegas! In addition to Dysport injections, we also offer:
Our goal is to keep you being the best version of yourself through the most popular facial rejuvenation methods on the market. We also support you with state-of-the-art body contouring, proudly offering CoolSculpting Elite in Las Vegas.
The popularity of Dysport and Botox is due to an increasingly softer, more nuanced approach than original providers took. We deliver that more artistic approach for you. The longer you maintain your Dysport or Botox program, the easier it is to manage subtleties in your facial features.
We’re your destination for facial fillers in Las Vegas. Sculpt Spa is Las Vegas’ leading provider of injection treatments. Sculpt Spa offers its services in a serene, nonjudgmental spa setting. With additional services including BODY CONTOURING, NAD+, and VITAMIN INJECTIONS, we are the ideal place for making a new you.