Summer is almost here and Sculpt Spa is your top destination to prepare for it! Whether you are one of Las Vegas’s entertainers preparing for the tourist crowd, or a homebody wanting to look good out by the pool, we are the place for you!

This is the perfect time to schedule your CoolSculpting Elite in Las Vegas session! We have the top technology available to give you the ultimate cryolipolysis experience. This is the FDA-authorized cooling process that freezes and kills your targeted fat cells. The cells are then eliminated through your body’s natural process. If you do your process now, when summer arrives, those dead cells should be mostly gone by then.


The process takes as little as 35 minutes and can be done with little to no downtime. We accommodate your schedule by offering extended hours including evenings and weekends. Our appointment booking system is easy, we have a complimentary consultation and the appointment itself is appointed with streaming entertainment, snacks, and luxury.

7 Tips For Living Your Best Life This Summer

7 Ways To Make This Summer YOUR Summer

You don’t have to stop there in your summer preparations, however. There are other things you can do to ease into your summer body toning routine. It is time to move more, get outdoors. It is also time to tend to your skincare regime and start creating healthy habits.

After your CoolSculpting Elite session, here are some other things to put you fully into your summer mindset:

1.     Eat fresh
It is time to put down the carbs. When you have gone through your CoolSculpting fat freezing treatment, the fat cells targeted will be gone for good. It is very effective then to eat well and take advantage of the seasonal fruits and vegetables available now.
Try a protein rich dish in the morning and beware of hidden sugars. Green vegetables are an excellent focus like spinach, cucumbers, celery, and asparagus. This is also the season for fresh red cherries/other berries, melon, salad greens and summer squash. Be exotic with them. Create fruit salads, green salads with creative homemade dressings and don’t forget the wonder of grilled veggies.

2.     Mentally prepare for summer
“Being beautiful” is more a state of mind than an actual set of criteria. Avoid mental stereotypes and embrace feeling beautiful. Grab a sense of tranquility and build a balance of control and peacefulness into your weekly routine. Consciously slow down your mind and focus.

3.     Address insecurities head on
Set some realistic goals on areas you want to improve. Focus on a few “trouble areas” and incorporate the right routines to get accomplishment. Don’t allow inertia to set in and ignore things that can be fixed. Ignoring them will cause ongoing anxiety. Do them now.

4.     Vitamin fortify
Make sure your body is getting the fuel it needs to detoxify, to energize your summer exercise routine, to mellow out your summer relaxation and to give you a full healthy radiance. Sculpt Spa can support you in all these goals with the best vitamin injections in Las Vegas that you can find.
We have vitamin B12 BOOSTER injections to give you a positive summer mood. We have the Vitamin B12 enhanced with MIC and L-Carnitine that will help you optimize weight loss and lose your winter weight. We have the ATHLETE injection that enhances your weight training to support that summer bod. We have DETOX and GLOW that will help your body exude a healthy tone through your skin, hair and nails.
Last but not least, we have relaxer that helps you take advantage of those rejuvenating “lazy days” of summer.

5.     Get moving
If your exercise routine has fallen off, it is time to revive it. Not only will you further tone and improve, but exercise is a great mood lifter and will enhance your summer experiences. Target the areas you most want improved, design an exercise plan around those, and get it into a habit. The consistency and regular commitment to the plan is more important than the type of exercise you choose.

6.     Hydrate and moisturize
You need moisture from the inside out. Drinking plenty of water is vital and you can find enhancements to make that enjoyable- healthy water additives, nice cold ice, and more. You can also eat plenty of summer foods that have high water content like watermelon or cucumbers. Make it wet and delicious! Also make sure your exterior is hydrated and detoxed well. Come to Sculpt Spa and have an infrared sauna session. Sweat out toxins, and after a wonderful shower, moisturize.

7.     Seek to create memories
Life is not a dress rehearsal, this is it. Hopefully your summer activities mean you get a vacation. Take it. Many people crave some extra time with their loved ones. Make that happen. Put together a memory box to fill with mementos by the end of summer from seashells to a new family recipe you tried out.

It is important that you embrace your total health and wellness into your summer strategy. Meet with our Sculpt Spa Las Vegas consultant on your body and facial contouring goals. We can help you with your goal look and help with wellness services for your total wellbeing. Health comes in many shapes and sizes, embrace yours and be the best you can be at it. Most importantly, have fun.

That is the true promise of summer, after all.


Apart from the array of wellness services it provides, Sculpt Spa Las Vegas has created a social environment in which clients can escape, de-stress and focus on their summer relaxation. It’s why we’re your health and wellness destination. Start with your CoolSculpting Elite appointment and get your summer look going today!