The 7 Facts You Need to Know About Botox & Fixing an Uneven Face
“They had style, they had grace / Rita Hayworth gave good face,” Madonna sang in her song Vogue. As the gorgeous entertainers of Las Vegas know, Rita Hayworth is not the only one who wanted to give “good face.” Sculpt Spa is the home of “good faces”, whether you are a professional show biz performer, […]
The 10 Biggest Myths About Botox…Debunked!
Sculpt Spa Las Vegas is about art and science. As the premier facial and body contouring experts for Las Vegas entertainers, household makers, businesspeople, and other professionals, Sculpt Spa offers free consultation and expertise on: · CoolSculpting Elite · Botox · Facial injections · Infrared sauna · NAD+ shots · Vitamin injections and more! We […]
“Botox vs Restylane Fillers?” 6 Things You Need to Know
It’s time to face summer! No better way to step into the sunlight is by having a refreshed face with the scientific and artistic mastery provided by Sculpt Spa Las Vegas. Sculpt Spa is known to be the valley’s facial contour and rejuvenation destination. Over the last decade, injectable cosmetic treatments have become one of […]
7 Tips to Avoid Having a Bad Botox Experience
Botox is the ruling monarch of non-invasive cosmetic procedures: According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Botox was the most popular cosmetic service in 2020, with 4.4 million Botox procedures done that year. For entertainment stars, businesspeople, homemakers and every walk of Nevada residents, Sculpt Spa is your premier destination for Botox injections in […]
The Best Facial and Body Areas for Botox (Part two)
Sculpt Spa Las Vegas is your “beautiful face” home. Many of the top Las Vegas entertainers trust us to keep their face elegantly contoured and wrinkle-free. We have a complete menu of services to find the right combination of treatments for your face rejuvenation goals. This includes the best selection of facial fillers in Las […]
Best Facial and Body Areas for Botox (Part one)
Everyone knows if you want the best facial contouring in Las Vegas, you come to Sculpt Spa. Facial contouring is part art and part science, and we excel at both. Our esthetician team will treat you with the best aesthetic facial rejuvenation and symmetry. Our tool kit includes the hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers from Galderma. […]
12 Big Celebrity Secrets About Botox Experiences
Sculpt Spa Las Vegas is THE destination for facial and body contouring and beauty, as Las Vegas’ galaxy of entertainers could tell you. Our array of quality services include: · Vitamin injections · A cutting-edge infrared sauna · One of the first spas to offer CoolSculpting Elite in Las Vegas · NAD+ treatments · Restylane […]
10 Cool Facts About Botox … and #4 is a Shocker
Sculpt Spa is widely regarded by the elite entertainers of Las Vegas as the go-to place for aesthetic facial rejuvenation and symmetry. Our talented ethicians meld science and artistry to make each patient’s face look its best with a revived but natural look. With the hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers from Galderma, the team has enhanced […]
8 Great Tips and Tools to Use in Preparing for Your Facial Injection Treatment
Sculpt Spa is renowned for our effective beauty, health, and wellness injections. We are a favorite resource for the entertainment industry professionals of Las Vegas who strive to maintain their presentation perfection. We also provide excellent service for our clientele who are experiencing the effects of aging. How Do Facial Injections Help Fight The Effects […]